An Order ID is a unique number which is created for each exchange. It is used as a means to find your order in case you have any questions or problems surrounding it at a later point in time
When you want to swap between two cryptocurrencies, you need to select from which, to which cryptocurrency you would like to exchange.
You can then select an offer, and potentially select the “Recommended” option if it suits your requirements
Once you click on “Exchange” after you have selected your best option, you will be asked to fill in additional details about your order. Once that is completed, you need to click on “Proceed to Exchange”, after which you will be redirected to another window
It is on this window where you will see two boxes. The first will provide you with a QR code that you can scan, or copy the wallet address to send the coins, this is the “Top up” box
The second is the “Status” box, where you will find your Order ID at the bottom of the box, as well as an animation with the message “Waiting for a deposit…” the first time you visit that specific page in question. This is how you find the order ID on Swapzone
Even when the transaction is set, you will see a “Status” box that will have your Order ID on it, as-well, with the “Awaiting Confirmation” message, up until the point when your swap is finished
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