Cryptocurrency exchanges, no matter if they are instant or not, differ in the services they provide and the assets they support. Despite the overall crypto service unification, the question of supported coins and tokens often remains – it all comes down to maintenance, community demand, marketing, business strategy, and more. From the user’s perspective, it is important to find the service that supports all different types of cryptocurrency (or at least the majority) of cryptocurrencies they are managing. How do you find such a service? Let’s find out together.
If you are looking for the best service to swap your Bitcoins or altcoins with, you can go two ways: go to a centralized exchange or pick a non-custodial service. We have already explained the difference between these in one of our previous articles, but here’s a short breakdown for those who missed it.
If you did not see the project of your choice in the list of supported coins, you can always ask the exchange to add your favorite coin or token. The listing process is definitely easier for non-custodial crypto exchanges. Big exchange platforms usually want to get plaid for adding new projects. Custody-free services, on the other hand, can get the coins on board for the sake of hype and community action.
In this paragraph, we will talk about non-custodial crypto exchanges solely. The offers may differ – from Bitcoin-only exchanges to swap services with an array of coins and tokens available. If you are searching for an exchange that supports as many assets as possible, it is generally a good idea to turn to exchange aggregators. Being one ourselves, we have already explained the notion of aggregation in one of our previous articles. In short, exchange aggregators are services that work with the APIs of providers and showcase many swap offers in one interface. Here is how to use an aggregator: