Binance USD

使用卡购买 Binance USD (BUSD)

Swapzone 是一个即时非托管加密货币交易聚合器,可让您以最低费用以最佳价格购买 Binance USD。您只需在同一界面中排序、比较和购买 Binance USD 即可。我们负责所有工作,收集 Binance USD 汇率和交易所提供商的详细评论。

Binance USD 汇率

BUSD by TradingView

BUSD 是什么?

作为一种去中心化的数字货币,Binance USD 加密货币可用于投资、交易和支付。Binance USD 网络不需要任何中介来处理交易,因此用户保持匿名。Binance USD 交易记录在公共账本上,但几乎不可能追踪。

它是世界上第一个也是最受欢迎的加密货币。除了交易量高之外,Binance USD BUSD 还达到了加密货币市场的最高值。Binance USD 将加密货币的概念引入了世界其他地方。此外,它的波动性使其对投资者更具吸引力。尽管提供了良好的盈利潜力,但 Binance USD 的高度波动价值也给交易者和投资者带来了巨大的损失风险。

此外,Binance USD 的供应量有限,为 2100 万,这一事实使其特别独特,因为其价值随着需求的增加而增加。随着时间的推移,Binance USD 的价值持续上升,投资者可以从其飙升中获得可观的利润。此外,Binance USD被视为数字黄金,可以抵御通货膨胀和市场波动。区块链技术的实施也为Binance USD增加了一层额外的安全性和可靠性,这有助于其在公众中越来越受欢迎。

如何购买Binance USD?

当您可以以最优惠的价格购买 Binance USD 时,这样做可能是一个好主意。Swapzone 提供各种即时加密货币兑换提供商,可用于兑换 BUSD。您可以在 Swapzone 上查看这些受支持的兑换商的汇率和产品。如果您要进行法定货币兑 Binance USD 或 Binance USD 兑法定货币的交易,请务必阅读他们的 KYC/AML 政策以及社区的意见,并确保费用已包含在估算中,以避免任何麻烦。

  1. 访问
  2. 在发送部分,选择法定货币。
  3. 请输入您想要购买的金额。
  4. 在获取部分,选择 Binance USD (BUSD)。
  5. 分析可用的优惠及其提供商。
  6. 选择要继续的优惠。
  7. BUSD 将发送到您的钱包地址。
  8. 使用 USB、欧元或您选择的其他法定货币支付
  9. 为您的交易所提供商评分。
How to buy Binance USD

最好的 Binance USD 法定货币交易所有哪些?

在选择最佳 Binance USD 交易所时,需要考虑许多因素,包括 BUSD 价格、费用、速度、评级和 KYC 政策等。Swapzone 可帮助您完成整个流程。您需要的所有信息都显示在我们的平台上,以便您能够以最优惠的价格快速通过可靠的交易所平台购买 Binance USD,这样您就不必担心托管或注册问题。


在 Swapzone,您可以选择加密货币市场上最有利可图的兑换交易。要做到这一点,请点击报价上方的最佳汇率按钮,按汇率对可用的 Binance USD 报价进行排序。最优惠的 BUSD 汇率将列在顶部,其兑换提供商旁边带有绿色的最佳汇率标签。


使用 Swapzone,Binance USD 交易是即时的,只需 30 分钟即可完成。如果您想选择比其他交易执行速度更快的 Binance USD 交易,请按大致交易处理速度对可用的加密货币交易报价进行排序。为此,请单击报价上方的最快按钮。最快的交易将显示在列表顶部。


我们的首要任务是可信度和有效性,因此我们会收集评论并请您对您在 Swapzone 上的体验进行评分。要了解哪个即时 Binance USD 兑换提供商的评分最高,请点击可用 Binance USD 优惠上方的最佳评分按钮。评分最高的将首先出现。

在 Swapzone 购买 Binance USD 的优势

我们的一站式解决方案可以简化Binance USD转换过程,确保透明度、便利性、有效性和通用用户流程。

  • 集成了五种以上的法定货币兑换服务。
  • 列出了 1600 多种硬币和代币。
  • 提供固定和浮动汇率。
  • 无需托管的加密货币兑换。
  • 利用合作伙伴的 API 进行内部兑换。
  • 加密货币兑换平台评论。
  • 全天候提供实时聊天和电子邮件支持。
Advantages of buy Binance USD on Swapzone

Binance USD 价格预测

进行研究并查看 Binance USD 价格预测。“BUSD 有未来吗?”——这个问题在 BUSD 价格预测 2022 中得到解答。对于长期分析,您可以查看 Binance USD 价格预测 2030 甚至 BUSD 价格预测 2050。Binance USD 未来价格取决于各种指标,因此您可以利用比特币恐惧和贪婪指数。了解 Binance USD 未来价格!


What is BUSD?


Binance USD or BUSD is a fiat-backed coin with a market capitalization of over $17 Billion as of April 2022. This stable coin is pegged with the US Dollar at a 1:1 ratio. In a much welcomed first-time occurrence for stablecoins, BUSD was recently granted approval by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) for their transparency of financial transactions.

BUSD is the result of a successful partnership between Binance and Paxos and the coin itself was launched for trade in September 2019. BUSD functions as both a BSC and an ERC-20 token that sits on the Ethereum blockchain, and has, since its launch, turned heads for all the partnerships it has made with reputable companies. – These are excerpts from an earlier written article and you can read more about BUSD here.

Are you interested in buying or investing in stable coins like the Binance USD? Head over to our user-friendly website to buy, sell, or swap BUSD with any cryptocurrency of your choice right now.

How to Buy BUSD?


BUSD is the third-largest stable coin by market cap, according to CoinMarketCap rankings (over $17 Billion) and a lot of crypto traders trust it because of the liquidity provided by Binance. Are you interested in buying or investing in stable coins like the Binance USD? Head over to our user-friendly website to buy, sell, or swap BUSD with any cryptocurrency of your choice right now.

With Swapzone, you can buy Binance USD really easily with our rich asset selection and offers from 15+ exchange providers. For example, buy BUSD with ETH at the best rate on the market in just a few simple steps:

  1. Select the Ethereum to Binance USD swap pair.
  2. Enter the total amount of ETH you are going to exchange.
  3. Choose the best ETH to BUSD swap offer.
  4. Click on the Exchange button.
  5. Enter your wallet address to receive Binance USD to your wallet.
  6. Send your ETH deposit to the generated address.
  7. Wait for your ETH-BUSD swap to be done.
  8. Receive your BUSD to your wallet!

Is BUSD a Stablecoin?


Yes, BUSD is a stable coin launched by Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume. Binance USD (or BUSD) is a fiat-backed coin with a market capitalization of over $12 bn as of July 2021. This stable coin is pegged with the US Dollar at a 1:1 ratio. Currently, BUSD is the third-largest stable coin by market cap, behind Tether(USDT) and USDC.

BUSD was launched in September 2019, on two different blockchain networks namely the Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum’s ERC-20 blockchain networks. Notably, these are essentially different networks and you should be careful when sending funds across the two networks as the wrong network address could lead to an irreversible loss of funds.

If you are interested in buying or investing in stable coins like the Binance USD? Head over to Swapzone to buy, sell, or swap BUSD with any cryptocurrency of your choice right now at the best available market rate globally.

How to Add BUSD to Metamask?


BUSD is the third-largest stable coin by market cap. The stable coin runs on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain (or any of the other chains including ERC-20, Velas, and Harmony ONE Network) and can be easily added to a MetaMask wallet. However, to add BUSD to MetaMask, you need to make sure you are on the Binance Smart Chain network or any of the others (by clicking on the network dropdown box) before you copy your contact address and import it as a custom token. After this is done, follow these steps below to complete the process:

  1. Copy the unique BUSD beacon chain from CoinMarketCap (under contracts) or Click on the MetaMask logo
  2. Open your MetaMask wallet
  3. Select the “import tokens” button
  4. Paste your BUSD address
  5. You can now send and receive BUSD tokens

Top up your BUSD balance on your MetaMask wallet on Swapzone. Also, you can buy, sell or swap BUSD with any other cryptocurrency of your choice at Swapzone. Head over to our exchange page to get started. You can top up your BUSD balance on Metamask here.

What Blockchain is BUSD On?


The BUSD coin was launched on two notable blockchains in 2019. BUSD runs as both a Binance Smart Chain token and an ERC-20 token that sits on the Ethereum blockchain, and has, since its launch, attracted admirers for its trustworthy reserves and all the partnerships it has made with reputable companies. You can read more about BUSD here.

Are you interested in buying or investing in stable coins like the Binance USD? Head over to our user-friendly website to buy, sell, or swap BUSD with any cryptocurrency of your choice right now.

  1. Select, for example, the Ethereum to Binance USD swap pair.
  2. Enter the total amount of ETH you are going to exchange.
  3. Choose the best ETH to BUSD swap offer.
  4. Click on the Exchange button.
  5. Enter your wallet address to receive Binance USD to your wallet.
  6. Send your ETH deposit to the generated address.
  7. Wait for your ETH-BUSD swap to be done.
  8. Receive your BUSD to your wallet!

What is BUSD in Crypto?


Binance USD or BUSD is a fiat-backed stable coin with a market capitalization of over $17 bn as of April 2022. This stable coin is fully backed up by the US Dollar at an equal ratio.

BUSD is both an ERC-20 token and a native Binance Smart Chain token, and has, since its launch, been a resounding success with no controversy linked to its reserve position to date. You can read more about BUSD here.

With BUSD, crypto investors do not need to overwork themselves over the crypto market volatility, as they can easily swap their volatile assets for stable BUSD anytime. If you are interested in buying or swapping your volatile crypto for stable coins like the Binance USD, then head over to our user-friendly website to buy, sell, or swap BUSD with any cryptocurrency of your choice right now.

Where to Buy BUSD?


You can buy the BUSD from Swapzone or any of the other numerous cryptocurrency exchanges on the market. You will need to open an account to trade, swap, and keep BUSD on most centralized exchanges. However, on Swapzone, you do not need to open an account nor reveal your private details before you can buy or swap crypto and BUSD.

BUSD is fully backed by the management of Binance and its future profitability and utility depend on its activities, but you can buy and sell BUSD on other cryptocurrency platforms like Kraken, Coinbase, Swapzone, and more. If you buy BUSD on the Swapzone exchange platform there is no lower limit or upper limit to the amount of BUSD you can buy.

Become a BUSD owner who holds the promising and fast-rising cryptocurrency that is being increasingly adopted by crypto traders averse to market volatility, by heading over to Swapzone to buy BUSD or swap for other crypto coins at low rates.

How to Buy BUSD on Metamask?


BUSD is the third-largest stable coin by market cap. The stable coin runs on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain and the Ethereum ERC-20 protocol, so it can be easily added to a MetaMask wallet. However, to add BUSD to MetaMask, you need to make sure you are on the Binance Smart Chain network or any of the others (by clicking on the network dropdown box) before you copy your contact address and import it as a custom token. After this is done, follow these steps below to complete the process:

  1. Copy the unique BUSD beacon chain from CoinMarketCap (under contracts) or Click on the MetaMask logo
  2. Open your MetaMask wallet
  3. Select the “import tokens” button
  4. Paste your BUSD address
  5. You can now send and receive BUSD tokens

Now that you have successfully added BUSD to your MetaMask wallet, you can top up your BUSD balance on Metamask here at Swapzone. Head over to our exchange page to get started.

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