


Exchange Cardano at the best rates and with the lowest fees through Swapzone, an instant non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange aggregator. We do all the work, collecting the Cardano exchange rates and detailed reviews on exchange providers. All you have to do is sort, compare and convert ADA in the same interface.

Cardano 汇率

ADA by TradingView

What is a ADA?

Cardano is a cryptocurrency initiative formed by Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum, to “provide a more equitable and comprehensive habitat” for digital currencies. As per its official site, ada cardano is the only coin with a “scientific ideology and research-driven strategy.” Cardano coin bills itself as the very first third-generation digital currency, aiming to address clear speed and power grid issues that first arose in cryptocurrency, a first-generation bitcoin that pioneered the concept of digital coins, and Ethereum, a second-generation virtual currency that expanded coin use cases to blockchain technology.

Cardano crypto uses an open-source protocol. The primary applications of ada crypto are identity management and record keeping. The previous technology may be used to expedite and simplify procedures that need information collecting from numerous sources. The second use may be used to trace and inspect a producte's manufacturing processes from the point of origin to the completed item, possibly eliminating the marketplace for fake items.

Cardano has gained immense relevance and recognition in the crypto sphere, as it has emerged to be a reliable and credible investment prospect. Climbing up the charts, Cardano has attracted more and more users in the market through its high levels of profitability.

How to exchange Cardano?

It might be a good idea to exchange Cardano, especially when you can exchange the cryptocurrency at the best rate. On Swapzone, you can easily convert ADA through a wide range of instant cryptocurrency exchange providers listed, review these supported exchangers, their offers and the exchange rates they pick. Make sure to read their KYC/AML policies and the community's thoughts, and check if the fees are included in the estimate to avoid any hassle, making crypto to Cardano or Cardano to crypto transactions.

  1. Go to
  2. Select Cardano (ADA) in the Send section.
  3. Enter the amount you wish to swap.
  4. Choose crypto to get in the Get Up To section.
  5. Review available offers and their providers.
  6. Select an offer to proceed with.
  7. Enter your wallet address to receive crypto.
  8. Send your Cardano deposit to a generated address.
  9. Rate your exchange provider.
How to exchange Cardano

Buy and sell ADA

If you’re wondering where you can buy and sell {ticker} for USD, EUR, or other fiat currencies, you’re in the right place. Swapzone has reliable partners who allow you to compare ADA to USD or USD to ADA exchange rates among many services, choose a favorable price, and swap your crypto and fiat currencies. Check Swapzone and buy & sell ADA.

How to choose a Cardano exchange?

There are dozens of instant crypto exchange services across the Internet and numerous factors to consider when choosing the best Cardano exchange, such as ADA price, fees, speed, ratings, and KYC policies. The process might seem daunting but Swapzone's here to help. We display all the information needed to exchange Cardano at the best rate, fast and through a reliable exchange platform so that you could make a swap with no custody and no registration.


On Swapzone, you can opt for the most profitable exchange deal on the crypto market. Todo that, sort available Cardano offers by rates by clicking on the Best Rate button above the offers. The mostfavorable ADA exchange rate will be listed at the top with a green Best Rate labelnext to its exchange provider.


Swapzone ensures Cardano exchanges are instant and only take up to 30 minutes. To choosea Cardano deal that will be executed faster than the rest, sort available cryptoexchange offers by approximate transaction processing speed. To do that, click on theFastest button above the offers. The one that should be the fastest will be listed atthe top.


Trustworthiness and validity of an exchange is one of Swapzone's top priorities anda reason why we collect reviews and ask you to rate your experience. To see whichinstant Cardano exchange provider has the highest rating, sort available Cardano offersby clicking on the Best Rating button above the offers. The one with the best mark willbe listed at the top.

Advantages of exchange Cardano on Swapzone

To simplify the Cardano conversion process, we provide a one-stop solution for findingthe best instant cryptocurrency exchange deal on the market, ensuring transparency,convenience, validity and a common user flow.

  • 20+ instant exchange services integrated.
  • 1000+ coins and tokens listed.
  • Offers with fixed and floating exchange rates.
  • Non-custodial crypto exchange.
  • No account registration needed.
  • In-house exchange via partners’ APIs.
  • Reviews on crypto exchange platforms.
  • 24/7 email and live chat support.
Advantages of exchange Cardano on Swapzone

Cardano 价格预测

Do your research and check out Cardano price prediction. “Is there a future for ADA ?” – the question answered in ADA price prediction 2022. For a long-term analysis, you can check Cardano price prediction 2030 or even ADA price prediction 2050. Cardano future price depends on various metrics so you can make use of Bitcoin fear and greed index. Learn about Cardano future price!


How to Buy Cardano?


Cardano was founded by Ethereum co-founder, Charles Hoskinson, in 2015 as an open-source and decentralized platform to facilitate P2P transactions with its coin, ADA. Since then, it has evolved to become a fully-fledged cryptocurrency with a market cap of over $31 Billion. To buy ADA is simple, all you need to do is register an account on a cryptocurrency exchange or sign up for a wallet that can send and withdraw ADA.

With Swapzone, you can buy Cardano really easily with our rich asset selection and offers from 15+ exchange providers. For example, buy ADA with ETH at the best rate on the market in just a few simple steps:

  1. Select the Ethereum to Cardano swap pair.
  2. Enter the total amount of ETH you are going to exchange.
  3. Choose the best ETH to ADA swap offer.
  4. Click on the Exchange button.
  5. Enter your wallet address to receive Cardano to your wallet.
  6. Send your ETH deposit to the generated address.
  7. Wait for your ETH-ADA swap to be done.
  8. Receive your ADA to your wallet!

How to Invest in Cardano?


Cardano ranks among the Top-10 cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization and daily market volume according to CoinMarketCap. As a result, there is a rapidly growing interest among crypto investors to add Cardano to their portfolios. Also, investors see the focus of Cardano on these four areas of Digital identity, credential verification, product counterfeiting, and traceability as a potential for the coin’s future profitability.

You can invest in Cardano by registering an account on a cryptocurrency exchange to purchase and hold ADA or storing it in a more custodial wallet. Another way to invest in Cardano is to stake ADA tokens and earn rewards by securing the Cardano blockchain.

Now that you know how to invest your Cardano tokens, you can buy, sell or swap ADA with any other cryptocurrency of your choice at the lowest market rates on Swapzone’s user-friendly website. Head over to our exchange page to get started today.

*Every investment decision involves the risk of loss. The content of this website is informational only and should not be considered investment advice.

Will Cardano Reach $100?


Cardano can reach and surpass the $100 price point sometime in the future if it continues on its current trajectory. We did a deeper dive into Cardano and its future price prediction in one of our previous blog posts, and you can check that out. In the article, we also give a brief overview of the performance of ADA in the past and the price prediction for the future.

Cardano can be bought on almost every crypto exchange open to the public, but we advise you to do additional research before investing, and again, never invest more than you are willing to lose as you could never truly know what the highly volatile crypto market has in store.

Now that you know how to invest your Cardano tokens, you can buy, sell or swap ADA with any other cryptocurrency of your choice at the lowest market rates on Swapzone’s user-friendly website. Head over to Swapzone’s exchange page to get started today.

How Decentralized is Cardano?


Cardano founder, Charles Hoskinson, once remarked that “Cardano will be 100 times more decentralized than Bitcoin”, but how true is this statement. Experts have further explained that Hoskinsin was referring to Cardano’s validation system, which includes monetary incentives to diversify the number of evenly distributed stake pools in the system up to a thousand – beating Bitcoin’s system, where the top 10 Bitcoin mining pools control 50% of the network’s total hash rate. However, this does not necessarily mean complete decentralization as IOHK, EMURGO, and the Cardano Foundation are still the major controllers of the entire Cardano ecosystem. In addition, these three organizations are suspected of controlling some of the top 10 ADA wallets on the blockchain by token volume.

The control of IOHK, EMURGO, and Cardano Foundation is similar to that of a federation. IOHK does fundamental scientific and technology research, EMURGO attracts more businesses to the ecosystem, while the Cardano Foundation does community building. While this is not necessarily an original structure in cryptocurrency ecosystems, the current structure of Cardano allows it to move and innovate at higher speeds than perfectly decentralized systems like Bitcoin.

Are you interested in purchasing ADA? Head to Swapzone, and select a coin pair to swap for ADA. Enter the amount you wish to buy in the box, then follow the rest of the process to complete your transaction.

Is Cardano Dead?


The short answer is NO because, for a project to die, it would mean that there are no longer any node validators willing to run their mining software to secure the system. If this happens, no new blocks will be mined, resulting in no new transactions – this leads to a rapid loss of interest in the other ADA tokens available on exchanges or in private wallets and the inevitable death of the network. Therefore, this leads us to the clear conclusion that Cardano is not dead but merely going through another market volatility phase.

Furthermore, the still-unfolding event shows that the ADA believers, such as HODLers, developers, and the ADA community who are the core of the project still believe in the ADA dream. As a result, Cardano might survive this storm.

If you are interested in joining the relentless ADA community by purchasing ADA, head to Swapzone, and select a coin pair to swap for ADA. Enter the amount you wish to buy in the box, then follow the rest of the process to complete your transaction.

How Many Cardano Coins Are There?


The maximum supply of Cardano coins (ADA) is capped at 45 Billion. Between five rounds of public sales of Cardano from September 2015 to January 2017, about 31 Billion Cardano coins have been released to the public. At launch, 2.5 Billion ADA tokens were allocated to IOHK, 2.1 Billion tokens went to EMURGO, and 648 Million tokens were given to the Cardano Foundation.

Furthermore, new Cardano coins are released to the market as rewards earned by node validators in a Proof-of-Stake system. Experts have predicted this system will last for over several decades before the entire 45 Billion tokens are fully released to the market. This system of release keeps hyperinflation in check and makes the Cardano coin a deflationary asset.

Now that you know there is a maximum cap on the supply of new ADA tokens, you can buy, sell or swap ADA with any other cryptocurrency of your choice at the lowest market rates on Swapzone’s user-friendly website. Head over to Swapzone’s exchange page to get started today.

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