
使用卡购买 Ethereum (ETH)

Swapzone 是一个即时非托管加密货币交易聚合器,可让您以最低费用以最佳价格购买 Ethereum。您只需在同一界面中排序、比较和购买 Ethereum}。我们做所有工作,收集 Ethereum 汇率和交易所提供商的详细评论。

Ethereum 汇率

ETH by TradingView

ETH 是什么?

作为一种去中心化的数字货币,Ethereum 加密货币可用于投资、交易和支付。Ethereum 网络不需要任何中介来处理交易,因此用户保持匿名。Ethereum 交易记录在公共账本上,但几乎不可能追踪。

它是世界上第一个也是最受欢迎的加密货币。除了交易量高之外,Ethereum ETH 还达到了加密货币市场的最高值。Ethereum 将加密货币的概念引入了世界其他地方。此外,它的波动性使其对投资者更具吸引力。尽管提供了良好的盈利潜力,但 Ethereum 的高度波动价值也给交易者和投资者带来了巨大的损失风险。

此外,Ethereum 的供应量有限,为 2100 万,这一事实使其特别独特,因为其价值随着需求的增加而增加。随着时间的推移,Ethereum 的价值持续上升,投资者可以从其飙升中获得可观的利润。此外,Ethereum被视为数字黄金,可对抗通货膨胀和市场波动。区块链技术的实施也为Ethereum增加了额外的安全性和可靠性,这有助于其在公众中越来越受欢迎。


当您可以以最优惠的价格购买 Ethereum 时,这样做可能是一个好主意。Swapzone 提供各种即时加密货币兑换提供商,可用于兑换 ETH。您可以在 Swapzone 上查看这些受支持的兑换商的汇率和产品。如果您要进行法定货币兑 Ethereum 或 Ethereum 兑法定货币的交易,请务必阅读他们的 KYC/AML 政策以及社区的意见,并确保费用已包含在估算中,以避免任何麻烦。

  1. 访问
  2. 在发送部分,选择法定货币。
  3. 请输入您想要购买的金额。
  4. 在获取部分,选择 Ethereum (ETH)。
  5. 分析可用的优惠及其提供商。
  6. 选择要继续的优惠。
  7. ETH 将发送到您的钱包地址。
  8. 使用 USB、欧元或您选择的其他法定货币支付
  9. 为您的交易所提供商评分。
How to buy Ethereum

最好的 Ethereum 法定货币交易所有哪些?

在选择最佳 Ethereum 交易所时,需要考虑许多因素,包括 ETH 价格、费用、速度、评级和 KYC 政策等。Swapzone 可帮助您完成整个流程。您需要的所有信息都显示在我们的平台上,以便您能够以最优惠的价格快速通过可靠的交易所平台购买 Ethereum,这样您就不必担心托管或注册问题。


在 Swapzone,您可以选择加密货币市场上最有利可图的买入交易。为此,请点击要约上方的最佳汇率按钮,按汇率对买入 Ethereum 报价进行排序。最优惠的 ETH 汇率将列在顶部,其交易所提供商旁边带有绿色的最佳汇率标签。


使用 Swapzone,Ethereum 交易是即时的,只需 30 分钟即可完成。如果您想选择比其他交易执行速度更快的 Ethereum 交易,请按大致交易处理速度对可用的加密货币交易报价进行排序。为此,请单击报价上方的最快按钮。最快的交易将显示在列表顶部。


我们的首要任务是可信度和有效性,因此我们会收集评论并请您对您在 Swapzone 上的体验进行评分。要了解哪个即时 Ethereum 兑换提供商的评分最高,请点击可用 Ethereum 优惠上方的最佳评分按钮。评分最高的将首先出现。

在 Swapzone 购买 Ethereum 的优势


  • 集成了五种以上的法定货币兑换服务。
  • 列出了 1600 多种硬币和代币。
  • 提供固定和浮动汇率。
  • 无需托管的加密货币兑换。
  • 利用合作伙伴的 API 进行内部兑换。
  • 加密货币兑换平台评论。
  • 全天候提供实时聊天和电子邮件支持。
Advantages of buy Ethereum on Swapzone

Ethereum 价格预测

进行研究并查看 Ethereum 价格预测。“ETH 有未来吗?”——这个问题在 ETH 价格预测 2022 中得到解答。对于长期分析,您可以查看 Ethereum 价格预测 2030 甚至 ETH 价格预测 2050。Ethereum 未来价格取决于各种指标,因此您可以利用比特币恐惧和贪婪指数。了解 Ethereum 未来价格!


How To Buy Ethereum?


Investing in Ethereum is easier than most people think. However, before buying Ethereum, it is vital to determine your level of risk, choose a reputable crypto exchange like Swapzone, and fund your account with fiat or swappable crypto. Then after buying Ethereum, it is also crucial to understand where and how to store your new coins.

In addition to Ethereum being a popular alternative to Bitcoin, it currently sits on the number 2 spot on CoinMarketCap’s rankings with over a $390 Billion valuation. These make Ethereum an attractive choice, so if you have plans of buying Ethereum, make sure you have done your research - and your finances are in good shape. Also, do not buy more than you are willing to lose in case the crypto market crashes.

Here is what you have to do if you are willing to join the party by embracing the Ethereum investment or simply swapping Ethereum with Bitcoin at the best rate on the market in just a few simple steps:

  1. Select the Bitcoin to Ethereum swap pair.
  2. Enter the total amount of ETH you are going to exchange.
  3. Choose the best BTC to ETH swap offer.
  4. Click on the Exchange button.
  5. Enter your wallet address to receive Ethereum to your wallet.
  6. Send your BTC deposit to the generated address.
  7. Wait for your BTC-ETH swap to be done.
  8. Receive your ETH to your wallet!

Does Ethereum Have A Cap?


Despite its close association with Bitcoin, Ethereum is a bit different from Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum has no cap or limits on its available coin supply. Currently, over 120 Million ETH are in circulation with more coins set to be created in the future. However, yearly ETH issuance has steadily decreased over time to reduce fears of inflation resulting from the availability of too many Ethereum coins.

In simpler terms, the max supply of ETH is infinite and nobody knows the amount of ETH coins that would exist in the future. Vitalik Buterin explained the reason for this in Ethereum’s whitepaper, “The permanent linear supply growth model reduces the risk of what some see as excessive wealth concentration in Bitcoin, and gives individuals living in present and future eras a fair chance to acquire currency units, while at the same time retaining a strong incentive to obtain and hold Ether because the supply growth rate percentage tends to zero over time”.

Still, it is reasonable to build a substantial Ether holding right now when the price is relatively low. Head over to Swapzone to buy and swap Ether with Bitcoin or any other crypto coin of your choice.

How To Stake Ethereum?


With ETH 2.0 in the works, Ethereum staking is set to take off on a massive scale as the network switches to a Proof-of-Stake consensus method of transaction validation. Staking of Ethereum can be done on any laptop or computer by running a validator node of ETH 2.0. Although validating nodes requires some technical knowledge and has a strict 32 ETH entry limit, lucky investors can expect a reward of up to 5% yearly on staked Ether. However, if you do not have up to 32 ETH, you can connect your ETH to staking pools on Dapps to reap the benefits of staking.

The major advantage of staking ETH is that it increases the interest of network participants, and ensures the future profitability of the Ether coin. Also, investors get to earn passive income, become active participants of the Ethereum network, run their node, and stake ETH funds in several profitable pools and marketplaces.

If you think that staking Ethereum is worth it and do not want to miss out on this opportunity, buy and swap ETH from our website today so you can begin your staking journey.

*Every investment decision involves the risk of loss. The content of this website is informational only and should not be considered investment advice.

How Many Ethereum Are There?


There is currently over 120 Million ETH in circulation on exchanges and private wallets. The initial trajectory of the future introduction of new ETH coins into the market was infinite. However, with the imminent launch of ETH 2.0, Ethereum developers are working on upgrades that will use the Proof-of-Stake transaction validation method which could cause ETH to become a deflationary asset and ultimately reduce the supply of future ETH into the market.

As of January 2022, 9 Million ETH was reported already staked, signifying the beginning of a reduction in the number of ETH coins available for trading on exchanges – thus driving the price significantly higher.

If you are interested in buying ETH, head over to Swapzone to buy and swap this cryptocurrency while the price is still relatively low.

What Is Ethereum 2.0?


Ethereum 2.0 marks a pivotal shift in the evolution of the Ethereum blockchain, transitioning from the proof-of-work (PoW) to the proof-of-stake (PoS) model in mid-September 2022. The upgrade, often referred to as Ethereum 2.0, aimed to address critical technical challenges, including network congestion, scalability issues, and accessibility limitations. This comprehensive overhaul seeks to establish a more efficient, eco-friendly, and scalable network.

The nomenclature "Ethereum 2.0" is now considered informal within the blockchain community, with the Ethereum Foundation preferring to simply call the upgraded blockchain Ethereum. The consensus layer is denoted as ETH 2, while the execution layer is referred to as ETH 1.1.

Initiated with the launch of the Beacon Chain in December 2020, Ethereum 2.0 introduces staking, a process where participants lock ether, the native token, in return for the privilege of engaging in the network's consensus and validation measures. Stakers are rewarded with fees paid in ETH.

The transition to proof-of-stake significantly reduced the network's energy consumption by approximately 99.95%, enhancing efficiency. Ethereum's ability to handle transactions improved, with the network presently processing around 29 transactions per second as of May 2023. Future updates, including "Proto-Dnaksharding" and "Danksharding," are anticipated to further enhance scalability.

Ethereum 2.0 positions Ethereum for broader adoption, making it more accessible across various industries. The recent Merge, occurring on September 15, 2022, did not significantly impact ETH's price, and Ethereum's transition is seen as a necessary evolution rather than an immediate market-altering event. The move positions Ethereum as a scalable global platform for developers, albeit distinct from Bitcoin, which serves as a payment method. Ethereum's journey to Ethereum 2.0 is likened to upgrading a spaceship mid-flight, with ongoing development efforts shaping the future of the blockchain.

Why Are Ethereum Fees So High?


The Ethereum network charges most of its fees in gwei – Ether’s smallest unit. However, users have been complaining about the rapidly increasing gas fees required to complete transactions on the network, especially during high volume times. The major reason for these high fees is the current ETH 1.0 Proof-of-Work method of node verification which requires gas to keep each node running to mine every new transaction block.

With the ground-breaking ETH 2.0 upgrade, users can expect to carry out thousands of transactions per second for significantly reduced gas fees. However, before the full launch of the ETH 2.0 upgrade, you can reduce your gas fees by either tipping miners or by using tools like ETHGasStation to ascertain current gas prices before sending your transaction.

If you are interested in buying ETH, head over to Swapzone to buy and swap ETH or other cryptocurrencies with low gas and transaction fees.

Should I Stake My Ethereum?


You could stake Ethereum if you have the funds. Ethereum staking could become more exciting and profitable at more than 5% APY with the new and improved ETH 2.0 set to be released to the network. All you need to stake your ETH is a balance of 32 ETH on your connected wallet and a full validator node running on your mining system.

Some critics have criticized the Proof-of-Stake system as a way of marginalizing investors with lower ETH capital but experts have countered with a reiteration that locked staked funds add to the continued increase in participation of community members as well as the assurance of continued price increase of ETH as more and more ETH are locked in staking pools thus reducing the amount of ETH available for trade on exchanges. Staking Ethereum could worth it, and if you do not want to miss out on this opportunity, buy and swap ETH from Swapzone today to begin your staking journey.

*Every investment decision involves the risk of loss. The content of this website is informational only and should not be considered investment advice.

Is Ethereum Better Than Bitcoin?


Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization with a total value of $390 Billion, second only to Bitcoin which has a market capitalization value of $810 Billion. Ethereum is decentralized and secure like bitcoin but has seen a lot more development and innovation compared to Bitcoin.

Although Bitcoin remains the cryptocurrency to beat, the premier cryptocurrency has a narrow focus, with only one aim of processing financial transactions. However, Ethereum has leveraged its much faster blockchain technology to establish a decentralized and transparent system of finance that enables functionalities such as smart contracts and DApps, taking it beyond just digital currency usage. Consequently, the larger developer community of Ethereum and its faster transaction processing time could put Ethereum slightly ahead of Bitcoin in terms of utility.

In sum, Ethereum functions as more than a digital currency. The Ethereum network is essentially an emerging marketplace for decentralized applications and smart contracts. If you are interested in a project that is more than just a digital currency, then Ethereum is the better choice. Head over to Swapzone to swap BTC for ETH now.

What Is WETH vs ETH?


WETH is the same as ETH but wrapped. Wrapped versions of cryptocurrencies are made when they are used for payment or transactions on other blockchains aside from their native blockchain. In simpler terms, they are empty vessels that contain the original asset. For example, using BTC for payment on DeFi applications running on the Ethereum blockchain.

Another difference between WETH and ETH is that WETH follows the ERC-20 standard, while ETH does not. As a result, it is easier to use WETH on ERC-20-friendly decentralized applications. The difference ends there as both are valued equally and can be used interchangeably for payment.

In sum, WETH was introduced to the Ethereum network to add a layer of operability and seamlessness to the cryptocurrency between various networks and Dapps. At Swapzone, we offer both of these crypto coins to interested customers, you can buy and swap either ETH or WETH with other crypto coins on our exchange with low transaction fees.

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