Ultimate decentralized crypto exchange.

Unlock the best prices and swap crypto across 100+ decentralized exchanges


Slippage tolerance

Settings close

The maximum price difference you're willing to accept when swapping tokens. It helps protect you from sudden price fluctuations.

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Swapzone transforms crypto exchanges. Watch testimonials and see why users worldwide trust us with their cryptocurrency needs
Video 0

Smooth and Fast Crypto Swap

Video 1

Your All-in-One Crypto Solution

Video 2

Help When You Need It

Video 3

Perfect for Beginners

Video 4

Transparent, Fast, Reliable

Video 5

Confidence for Crypto Newbies

Video 6

No Accounts, No Hassle

Video 7

Fast and Registration-Free


How crypto swap works

1Arrow to the next step

Choose the crypto pair you want to exchange

2Arrow to the next step

Choose the best offer for your pair

3Arrow to the next step

Enter your wallet address to receive coins

4Arrow to the next step

Send your deposit to the generated address

5Arrow to the next step

Wait for your swap to be done

Why Swapzone


Best Rates

We're showing the offers from the most popular and reliable exchange providers. Pick the best offer for your crypto pair!


Higher Security

We check all exchangers for the risk of freezing funds. Your funds will definitely reach you!


24/7 live support

We are here to help you with any issue at every stage of the transaction. Feel free to contact us!


1600+ currencies available

It's really hard not to find the crypto you need on Swapzone :)

Reviews from Trustpilot

How to Exchange Between BTC and ADS on Cross-Chain DEX

To exchange assets between the BTC and ADS networks on Swapzone, simply select the token you want to swap and choose your destination blockchain. You can easily swap assets between BTC and ADS through decentralized exchanges, executing trades with optimal liquidity, competitive rates, and a smooth cross-chain experience.

Frequently asked questions

Which DEX supports the BTC and ADS networks?

There are several decentralized exchanges supporting both BTC and ADS networks. These platforms allow users to trade assets between the two blockchains and execute cross-chain swaps seamlessly, providing access to liquidity providers across both ecosystems.

What's the best DEX for swapping between BTC and ADS?

The best DEX for BTC and ADS cross-chain swaps depends on factors like liquidity, trading volume, and user experience. Evaluate different decentralized exchanges that support both networks to find the most reliable platform for executing trades.

What crypto works on both BTC and ADS?

Both BTC and ADS networks support a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including native tokens and wrapped assets. Popular tokens such as stablecoins, DeFi tokens, and governance tokens are supported across both networks, enabling users to swap between the two blockchains.