


Exchange Polygon at the best rates and with the lowest fees through Swapzone, an instant non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange aggregator. We do all the work, collecting the Polygon exchange rates and detailed reviews on exchange providers. All you have to do is sort, compare and convert MATIC in the same interface.

Polygon Exchange Rate

MATIC by TradingView

What is a MATIC?

Formerly known as Matic coin, a Polygon coin is the user solution to major problems like high interest rates, bad consumer experiences, and limited trade velocity. These are just a handful of examples. Polygon crypto predicts a society in which many blockchain technologies may openly and quickly interchange personal and financial information. The project originally started as Matic Crypto but later went on to be Polygon Matic, as the business really took flight and it seemed to be expanding at a rather swift rate.

Polygon offers a variety of features that users may use to quickly construct and customize their own bespoke network. It recognizes two kinds of chains: stand-alone chains and fastened chains. In a nutshell, stand-alone chains are self-contained blockchains that are natively compliant with Ethereum, whilst secured chains simply jumpstart their privacy by utilizing a range of trusted evaluators.

It significantly extends on the Matic initiative's ambition and capability by offering users a package of environments for building ultra-scaling and elevated blockchains and decentralized apps. It is unique because it supports a wide range of scaling techniques, which enterprises can use at their leisure. This puts it in a good position if any particular scaling method becomes prominent in the long term or fails to meet its objectives.

How to exchange Polygon?

It might be a good idea to exchange Polygon, especially when you can exchange the cryptocurrency at the best rate. On Swapzone, you can easily convert MATIC through a wide range of instant cryptocurrency exchange providers listed, review these supported exchangers, their offers and the exchange rates they pick. Make sure to read their KYC/AML policies and the community's thoughts, and check if the fees are included in the estimate to avoid any hassle, making crypto to Polygon or Polygon to crypto transactions.

  1. Go to swapzone.io.
  2. Select Polygon (MATIC) in the Send section.
  3. Enter the amount you wish to swap.
  4. Choose crypto to get in the Get Up To section.
  5. Review available offers and their providers.
  6. Select an offer to proceed with.
  7. Enter your wallet address to receive crypto.
  8. Send your Polygon deposit to a generated address.
  9. Rate your exchange provider.
How to exchange Polygon

Buy and sell MATIC

If you’re wondering where you can buy and sell {ticker} for USD, EUR, or other fiat currencies, you’re in the right place. Swapzone has reliable partners who allow you to compare MATIC to USD or USD to MATIC exchange rates among many services, choose a favorable price, and swap your crypto and fiat currencies. Check Swapzone and buy & sell MATIC.

How to choose a Polygon exchange?

There are dozens of instant crypto exchange services across the Internet and numerous factors to consider when choosing the best Polygon exchange, such as MATIC price, fees, speed, ratings, and KYC policies. The process might seem daunting but Swapzone's here to help. We display all the information needed to exchange Polygon at the best rate, fast and through a reliable exchange platform so that you could make a swap with no custody and no registration.

By best rates

On Swapzone, you can opt for the most profitable exchange deal on the crypto market. Todo that, sort available Polygon offers by rates by clicking on the Best Rate button above the offers. The mostfavorable MATIC exchange rate will be listed at the top with a green Best Rate labelnext to its exchange provider.

By the highest transaction speed

Swapzone ensures Polygon exchanges are instant and only take up to 30 minutes. To choosea Polygon deal that will be executed faster than the rest, sort available cryptoexchange offers by approximate transaction processing speed. To do that, click on theFastest button above the offers. The one that should be the fastest will be listed atthe top.

By best rating

Trustworthiness and validity of an exchange is one of Swapzone's top priorities anda reason why we collect reviews and ask you to rate your experience. To see whichinstant Polygon exchange provider has the highest rating, sort available Polygon offersby clicking on the Best Rating button above the offers. The one with the best mark willbe listed at the top.

Advantages of exchange Polygon on Swapzone

To simplify the Polygon conversion process, we provide a one-stop solution for findingthe best instant cryptocurrency exchange deal on the market, ensuring transparency,convenience, validity and a common user flow.

  • 20+ instant exchange services integrated.
  • 1000+ coins and tokens listed.
  • Offers with fixed and floating exchange rates.
  • Non-custodial crypto exchange.
  • No account registration needed.
  • In-house exchange via partners’ APIs.
  • Reviews on crypto exchange platforms.
  • 24/7 email and live chat support.
Advantages of exchange Polygon on Swapzone

Polygon Price Prediction

Do your research and check out Polygon price prediction. “Is there a future for MATIC ?” – the question answered in MATIC price prediction 2022. For a long-term analysis, you can check Polygon price prediction 2030 or even MATIC price prediction 2050. Polygon future price depends on various metrics so you can make use of Bitcoin fear and greed index. Learn about Polygon future price!

Frequently asked questions

Is Polygon a Good Investment?


Investing in MATIC implies a vote of confidence in the future profitability of the Polygon network and the vision of its founders – building an Ethereum scaling and infrastructural development network. Since launching to the public in 2017, MATIC has climbed up to number 18 on the CoinMarketCap rankings and has over $664 Million value in market capitalization. In addition, its flagship product, Polygon Solutions, makes it useful as an open-source blockchain platform that allows massive scalability to the Ethereum network. You can learn more about Polygon here.

The MATIC network has a lot of investment potential and it is open to investment from the public, but we advise you to invest with caution, as the volatile crypto market can be notoriously unpredictable. Are you interested in buying or investing in Polygon MATIC? Head over to our website to buy, sell, or swap MATIC with any crypto coin of your choice.

*Every investment decision involves the risk of loss. The content of this website is informational only and should not be considered investment advice.

What Does MATIC Do?


Polygon is an open-source protocol for scaling and infrastructural development on the Ethereum blockchain. In simpler terms, Polygon is a platform where developers can build and connect blockchain networks compatible with the Ethereum protocol. According to its whitepaper, Polygon strives to solve the scalability and usability issues of the Ethereum network while not compromising on decentralization and leveraging the existing developer community and ecosystem.

Often referred to as Ethereum’s internet of blockchains, Polygon uses numerous side chains to enable cheaper and much faster transactions than the main Ethereum blockchain. In the future, Polygon’s team is looking to expand beyond the Ethereum ecosystem. You can learn more about Polygon and MATIC here.

Now that you know what the MATIC network is all about, you can buy, sell or swap MATIC with any other cryptocurrency of your choice at the best market rates on Swapzone’s user-friendly website. Head over to Swapzone’s exchange page to get started today.

How to Stake MATIC?


Staking, also known as delegating, is the process where node validators secure the Polygon network through voting with their MATIC tokens. Staked MATIC tokens can’t be spent or transferred because they are necessary to keep the Proof of Stake mechanism running. You can earn between 9-20% APY on your staked MATIC tokens.

If you are interested in staking MATIC tokens then follow the instructions below closely:

  1. Download and install a MetaMask wallet extension on your browser.
  2. Open the downloaded Metamask wallet and copy your MATIC address.
  3. Test the address by sending 1 MATIC to that address.
  4. Open validator
  5. Select "Become a Delegator" and connect your MetaMask.
  6. Select the amount of MATIC you are willing to stake and select "Continue".
  7. Approve token delegation transaction on MetaMask.

Join the community of stakers and node validators on the Polygon network to stake MATIC today. You can buy, sell or swap MATIC with any other cryptocurrency of your choice at the best market rates on Swapzone. Head over to Swapzone’s exchange page right now to get started. Also, you can top up your MATIC balance on Metamask here.

How to Swap ETH to MATIC


If you are looking for a fast and secure way of swapping your ETH to MATIC, check out our user-friendly ETH/MATIC crypto exchange. At Swapzone, you can securely buy and swap as many crypto assets as you like without the KYC hassles of having to register a user account. We require none of your precious private data, unlike other centralized exchanges. Swapzone’s ETH/MATIC crypto exchange instantly finds the most profitable conversion rate from a list of available crypto exchanges in a fast, effortless, absolutely safe, and transparent way.

With Swapzone, Ethereum to Polygon exchange is really easy with our rich asset selection and offers from 15+ exchange providers. Buy MATIC with ETH at the best rate on the market in just a few simple steps:

  1. Select the Ethereum to Polygon swap pair.
  2. Enter the total amount of ETH you are going to exchange.
  3. Choose the best ETH to MATIC swap offer.
  4. Click on the Exchange button.
  5. Enter your wallet address to receive Polygon to your wallet.
  6. Send your ETH deposit to the generated address.
  7. Wait for your ETH-MATIC swap to be done.
  8. Receive your MATIC to your wallet!

Can You Send Matic to Ethereum Wallet?


Yes, you can send MATIC to the MATIC ERC-20 token network on the Ethereum blockchain. The Swapzone platform makes sending ETH/MATIC(ERC-20) easy and accessible to beginners. At Swapzone, you can securely buy and swap as many crypto assets as you like without the privacy infringements of centralized exchanges. To send MATIC to your Ethereum wallet, follow these steps below for a seamless exchange experience:

  1. Select the Ethereum (ETH) to Matic (MATICERC20) exchange pair.
  2. Enter the total amount of ETH you are going to exchange.
  3. Choose the best ETH to MATIC swap offer.
  4. Click on the Exchange button.
  5. Enter your wallet address to receive Polygon to your wallet.
  6. Send your ETH deposit to the generated address.
  7. Wait for your ETH-MATIC swap to be done.
  8. Receive your MATIC to your wallet!

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