- What is SparkPoint? Mission, vision, values, goals.
- The story and the team behind the project: how/when did it start?
- Describe SparkPoint in 3 words
- SparkPoint Ecosystem (SparkPoint Wallet and integrations, SparkLearn, SparkEarn, SparkPlay, SparkDeFi, SparkSwap)
- Partnerships and use cases (we couldn’t miss out on mentioning OWNLY)
- Roadmap: what are the plans? What can we look forward to in 2022 and further? (Stay tuned for the 2022-2023 roadmap released on 25 of December!)
- 2021 in a nutshell

And of course, it wouldn’t have been half as engaging and exciting if there wasn’t such a community presence:) Thanks to each and every person asking questions! That was truly awesome and rewarding to see your interest! NFTs, plans, listings – thanks to the team for actively answering questions and explaining it all.
For those who missed the session, luckily we have a recording of our joyful convo.
Video recording
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